Girder bridge crane

All the bridge crane and hoist motions are available with one or two standardized speeds and electronic control, guaranteeing a slight acceleration/deceleration, and minimizing the efforts over the structure. More speeds or specific gearbox profiles can be supplied under request.
The conical rotor engine of the hoist, all end-of-travel motions, and the low voltage control directed through button panel or radio control, result in highly secure.
‘Channel’ profile endcarriage

The assembly is carried out by hanging the spherical bearings provided from the plant’s structure. This allows covering specific areas within the bigger plants.
These elements constitute the foundation of a modular mobilisation system with an easy and fast assembly.
The assembly flexibility allows from simple installation where the hoist hangs from the single beam track, to single or double bridge cranes for loads up to 1,000 Kg. and 7 mt. of span.
The installation operation, change or movement, only contemplate the adaptation of standard screwed modules, excluding the expensive welding interventions. This makes the system extremely flexible and easy to expand if necessary.